These 7 exercises are about digging deeper, sharing personal perspective, finding greater meaning and crossing paths with people.
Take a portrait of someone you admire. If they’re not staying with you, have them pose during a video chat and take a screenshot or a photo of the screen.
Try and capture the personality of your subject.
Who are you grateful for? Include them in your photograph in some way. It can even be a picture of a picture.
Who do you consider family? Have everyone get dressed up and gather for a group shot around your home!
Who made that meal food you’re eating? Photograph the person who cooked. (You can still take a photo of the food, but we want to see your chef.) Was it you? Take a selfie in the kitchen! :-)
Get far out. Make up a scene. Use props or costumes.
Include yourself or family members to tell a story with a single photo. It can be extravagant or boring, as long as there’s a human in there.
say hello
Schedule a video chat with someone you miss. Tell them you’re working on a project to improve your photo skills and ask them to get dressed up. Do a virtual photoshoot and take screengrabs or take a photo of the screen!