Discovering the Photographer in Everyone


This Haile Fellow is encouraging residents of Greater Cincinnati to be a tourist in their own neighborhoods and make meaningful photographs

Chris Glass wearing the badges of PhotoScouting. Photo by Joe Mesa

Chris Glass wearing the badges of PhotoScouting. Photo by Joe Mesa


Cincinnati, Ohio: PhotoCorps is inspiring the residents of Greater Cincinnati to explore photography techniques, rediscover neighborhoods and forge deeper connections by getting to know others and share personal perspectives through a project called PhotoScouting.

The Opposite of a Selfie

It starts with a free PhotoScouting Guidebook that groups exercises in three categories: Photography, Neighborhood and People. Participants earn patches by completing tasks that get increasingly more challenging. 

Photos can be submitted to be considered for inclusion in a book that will be made available throughout communities and to each contributor. This printed edition groups photos by task to juxtapose different perspectives and interpretations, elevating the collective to fine art.

  • Guidebook and patches are free for residents in Greater Cincinnati. Request one at
  • Open to everyone, any age or photographic experience—and your camera phone will work just fine.
  • Submissions deadline for the printed book is December 31, 2016.
  • It's easy to get started. Visit to get a guidebook, submit photos or find out about upcoming events.
  • Upcoming group photowalks explore different neighborhoods:
    • Sunday, November 6 - Cheviot Photowalk
    • Thursday, November 10 - Photohike in Northside's Parker Woods
    • Thursday, December 8 - OTR aGlow Holiday window wander

About PhotoCorps: The project was developed by Chris Glass, a designer by trade who loves photography. Chris was awarded the Haile Fellowship from People’s Liberty, which includes year-long civic sabbatical and $100,000 to research, plan, implement an idea that could transform the city. His hope is to get better at photography and open the experience to everyone. 



The 32-page PhotoScouting Guidebook contains ideas for photos that get increasingly more challenging.

Photo by Chris Glass

One of the challenges is to go beyond a photo of your meal and ask the chef for a portrait.

Design & Photo by Chris Glass

Participants earn patches for each of the major categories: Photography, Neighborhood and People.

Design & Photo by Chris Glass

Press Photos

Chris Glass